Sophos endpoint protection reviews
Sophos endpoint protection reviews

sophos endpoint protection reviews

That's the things that I look for when I was evaluating these. They got hardware available that's outside of Intercept X Endpoint. I mean, you name it, they protect against it. Sophos has got such a great track record in history of virus protection and malware. And that would, of course, dictate the level of protection that you license. Intercept X Endpoint is not expensive when you look at the benefit that you receive, but you need to evaluate your need level. But once you get into the groove of doing it, figure it out pretty quick and you can get it done.īut considering Intercept X Endpoint, the recommendations that I would have would be evaluate your need. The help engine for Intercept is a little hard to navigate at times, the online help. More challenges that we had individually or internally than those that Intercept gave us.

sophos endpoint protection reviews

Rolling it out to the organization, at times it's had challenges. That's the biggest thing about our choice with that is the console and the console detail that it provides. I can see what's going on, on all those computers from one console. Intercept X Endpoint has user management, individual workstation management. Their track record is great on protection. ex VAT (six users, one year) Sophos Anti-Virus Business is easy to use and has a fantastic back-end interface, but its protection scores are left. First of all because Sophos has such a great record and I've used Sophos for years. It saves me a lot of steps and a lot of pain and heartaches. Intercept X Endpoint has allowed us to have secure work stations all over our campus, and one management point. Dave Mitchell finds out if Sophos has gone a step too far. It looks very good value, but managing it all may not be so simple. And you can imagine what a headache that would be. Sophos Endpoint Security and Data Protection 9.7 review Sophos latest Endpoint Security and Data Protection suite provides a wealth of features for protecting workstation and mobile data. And for more reviews like this, click below.īefore Intercept, we have about 30 or 35 work stations.

sophos endpoint protection reviews

Today we'll be reviewing Intercept X Endpoint, and I give it five stars.

Sophos endpoint protection reviews